Okay, so there hasn't been a lot going on my blog since I've moved back to Ottawa. My Supervising job has kicked into high gear and the first couple of weeks have allowed me the pleasure of wrapping them up with a couple shots of rum.
Truth be told, I've been picking the brains of a couple of the top storyboard artists here in the Nation's Capitol, trying to get some tips on how to get started. Some of these guys have worked all over the world and in feature, so, why not?. The studio has generously offered me up one of the storyboarding work stations with cintiq (YAY, I'm just working on a Mac with a tablet), and, on my own time when I have to come in on the weekend to assist the crew, I can start working on my board!.
I'm moving again in a couple weeks, closer to work. I figure that if I have come back to Ottawa to do these things, then I better commit - All or nothing!.
Currently, I'm working on a drawing with the slogan: "I don't work out for my health, I work out for yours". My Director laughed when I told him about it. He insisted that I make the sign and threaten to tap it whenever occasion arises.
I'm super excited to get this dream off the ground. I just hope that my life can arrange and settle in such a way that will allow for the magic to happen in between training my body and a super green crew.
A crew, by the way, I am very proud of. Four out of the six of my crew graduated College for animation in the last 6-9 months, and all of them are incredibly talented and hard working young people (even though I am only 4-8 years and several productions older - I'm starting to feel my age in this young industry). We almost hit our two week deadline of 900 frames/week with my revisions. Outstanding, seeing as most with most of them this is their first REAL series production since graduation. Go team "Sock Monkey in a Fruit Basket"!! (Yes, that is the name I have given my crew and, yes, there is a story behind the name that I will share with you who really want to know).
Anyhow, it's late, and I'm going to watch more BBC Sherlock before I lose consciousness. I just wanted to let all of you out there know that I am working hard, and I need to get used to the production schedule of this new gig, and get myself re-located before you start to see more "OZ". The yellow brick road will lead me back here soon.
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